What Is Long-Term Care?

man and woman looking at laptop with the words what is long-term care

Long-term care is essential for many Californians, regardless of insurance status. This type of care goes beyond medical attention, and includes daily help with everyday tasks. It’s important to understand the ins and outs of long-term care, including the fact that individuals of any age may need this support. Explore the details about long-term care, including what it is, who needs it, criteria for this care and coverage options to consider.

Defining Long-Term Care

Long-term care focuses on daily support for those with disabilities, illnesses or cognitive impairments. This type of care can include many services, from help with basic personal tasks to specialized medical attention. Overall, long-term care goes beyond traditional medical care to ensure individuals can maintain their dignity and a high quality of life.

While short-term care concentrates on acute medical requirements, long-term care recognizes the need for more specialized care that considers the bigger picture of an individual’s health and wellness.

an older woman sitting on couch looking at tablet

Activities of Daily Living

The foundation of long-term care is often providing help for activities of daily living (ADLs). These activities encompass essential tasks such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting and mobility. The goal is to empower individuals to uphold their hygiene and independence, nurturing a sense of normalcy and self-esteem.

Medical Care and Medication Management

Long-term care also addresses a person’s specific medical requirements. This may include administering medications, managing chronic conditions and offering skilled nursing care. These services ensure that those with medical needs stay healthy, receive individualized attention and follow any medication regimens as prescribed by a health care provider.

Specialized Care Services

Long-term care is versatile, with assistive services that are tailored to a person’s unique needs and challenges. These specialized services can include therapies aimed at helping individuals recover from injuries or surgeries. Another example is memory care for cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

Hospice Care

As certain conditions progress to their advanced stages, the importance of hospice care becomes evident. Hospice care — a branch of long-term care — is tailored to individuals with terminal illnesses. The primary focus is comfort, pain management and emotional support.

Examples of Long-Term Care Services

Long-term care services support individuals with daily and medical tasks, including specialized care, to enhance their quality of life. In addition to ADLs, medical care and medication management, and hospice care, other services that may fall under long-term care include:

  • Skilled nursing: Complex medical needs require skilled nursing care. Trained nurses give specific medical treatments, handle wounds and perform necessary medical procedures. Skilled nursing brings together medical treatment and support for chronic illnesses or serious conditions.
  • Rehabilitative services: Rehabilitation is pivotal in aiding recovery. These services encompass physical, occupational and speech therapy following surgeries, injuries or illnesses. The goal is to improve individuals’ physical, cognitive and motor skills to regain independence and daily activity.
  • Memory care: Conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s need special care due to their unique cognitive challenges. Memory care services aim to address the requirements of individuals with these conditions. Trained professionals offer structured routines and memory-enhancing activities. They also create a secure environment that boosts cognitive stimulation and emotional well-being.
  • Respite care: Caring for someone can be challenging, and respite care is essential for giving caregivers a break. It offers temporary help for those needing care so caregivers can rest and recover. Respite care benefits both caregivers and care recipients, making sure good care continues.
  • Social and recreational activities: Active and recreational activities are important in long-term care. These activities improve mental and emotional health. They also create meaningful social bonds and reduce the impact of isolation on a person’s well-being.
  • Nutritional support: Long-term care also includes nutritional support. This service involves planning and making meals and assisting with eating to ensure a person can receive the necessary nourishment.
  • Home modifications and assistive devices: Long-term care may involve making living spaces more accessible and safe. This component of long-term care can include adding ramps, grab bars and other helpful tools. These changes support individuals with mobility difficulties, helping them stay independent.

Who Needs Long-Term Care?

Long-term care assists individuals of any age who encounter challenges related to daily tasks and managing their health. This care is for anyone who needs help due to physical limitations, cognitive issues or medical conditions. Candidates for long-term care can include seniors, people with disabilities, those managing chronic health issues and those recovering from surgery or injury.

man and woman are sitting on couch looking at laptop

Aging and Senior Citizens

As people age, they may experience physical limitations and more specialized needs related to medical care and medication management. Long-term care services help seniors maintain their independence and a high quality of life.

Individuals With Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses

People with disabilities or chronic illnesses, no matter their age, may require ongoing help with daily tasks and medical care. Long-term care services create a supportive environment for their needs. As a result, this care encourages independence and assists individuals with managing their health.

Cognitive Impairments

Cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s or dementia affect memory, reasoning and decision-making abilities. Memory care services in long-term care offer a safe and structured environment for individuals dealing with these challenges. This care engages them in meaningful activities and helps ensure their safety, well-being and dignity.

Recovery from Injuries or Surgeries

Healing after surgery or an injury may require rehabilitation and specialized care. Long-term care services, including rehabilitation therapies, assist individuals in regaining physical and cognitive abilities. The end goal is to help a person reclaim independence and step back into their daily routines.

Unforeseen Circumstances

Life is full of surprises, and accidents or health events may lead to a need for long-term care. Individuals of any age can encounter a sudden injury or disability that requires ongoing support. In these cases, long-term care can provide assistance no matter what unexpected situation has occurred.

Eligibility for Long-Term Care

Assessing an individual’s needs and circumstances can help determine eligibility for long-term care services. A good candidate is not based solely on age, but instead on a comprehensive evaluation of various factors.

To determine your candidacy for long-term care support, it’s crucial to assess your physical, mental and financial state. You can always contact medical professionals, financial counselors and caregiving experts to help you identify the optimal choices and secure the necessary assistance.

Some of the key factors that influence eligibility include:

  • Physical condition and functional status: The state of one’s health impacts eligibility for long-term care. Individuals with chronic illnesses, disabilities or health issues that hinder their daily tasks might qualify. Health care professionals evaluate the seriousness of these conditions to decide the required level of care.
  • Cognitive function and limitations: Dementia can disrupt personal care activities and the ability to make choices. The level of cognitive decline determines eligibility for specialized memory care services.
  • Ability to complete ADLs: The ability to carry out ADLs is vital in determining eligibility. If someone has trouble bathing, dressing, eating or using the toilet, they might qualify for long-term care services. The amount of help needed is assessed to determine eligibility.
  • Financial status and government assistance: Programs like Medicaid assess income, assets and resources. Those who meet the criteria and have a low income may be eligible for these programs, ensuring they receive necessary care.
  • Balancing medical need and cost: Sometimes the need for long-term care is clear, but the cost poses challenges. People who don’t meet government help eligibility or specific insurance criteria may need to explore alternative options. Self-funding or hybrid insurance policies may be available to help cover long-term care expenses.
  • Support network availability: A support network can influence eligibility. People who rely on family or caregivers for daily tasks could qualify for long-term care services if they lack enough support.
  • Distinct health conditions: Specific medical ailments, such as terminal illnesses or profound disabilities, can render an individual eligible for enduring health care provisions.
  • Age-linked factors: While not the exclusive deciding factor, age can still play a role in determining eligibility, particularly for specific initiatives or provisions tailored to the elderly population.
  • Insurance provisions: The scope of your insurance coverage can impact your qualification for certain services and the extent of their financial coverage.

Coverage for Long-Term Care

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Long-term care coverage provides financial assistance for ongoing care and daily activity support. This type of care is important for individuals with physical limitations, cognitive disabilities or chronic illnesses. Understanding coverage options is essential to make informed choices.


Paying for long-term care yourself involves using your savings, investments and assets. It offers flexibility but requires careful financial planning and managing significant costs. It’s important to assess financial stability and estimate your future care expenses before opting for self-funding.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance policies aim to cover the costs of these services. These policies offer financial protection and assurance, enabling policyholders to access various services without exhausting their savings. It’s a good idea to conduct thorough research and compare different policies, including considering coverage limits, waiting periods and premium costs.


Medicaid — a government program providing health care coverage for low-income populations — also covers long-term care services. Eligibility criteria differ by state, and California residents can check if they qualify for Medicaid help with long-term care costs. It’s imperative to navigate the application process step-by-step and understand the covered services.

Support for Veterans

Veterans and their spouses may receive long-term care benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, including services like home care and assisted living. Veterans in California should explore these benefits and understand the application process thoroughly.

Hybrid Policies

Hybrid insurance policies integrate long-term care coverage with benefits like life insurance or annuities. These policies offer a dual-purpose approach, allowing individuals to access long-term care services if necessary while providing benefits to beneficiaries. Hybrid policies can offer a comprehensive solution addressing many financial needs.

Family Support and Caregiving

Sometimes, family members may be able to provide support and caregiving for loved ones needing long-term care. While this may not involve formal coverage, it may be a potential option. Family caregivers can offer emotional and practical help. At the same time, these caregivers may experience physical, emotional and financial pressures, so these are also important considerations.

Community Programs

Local organizations and non-profits often offer support for long-term care requirements. These programs can include meal delivery, transportation assistance or in-home support services. Taking advantage of these options can provide valuable supplementary help.

Home Equity Conversion

Homeowners can use home equity via reverse mortgages or home equity conversion loans to support long-term care costs. At the same time, it’s essential to consider the impact of these options on one’s estate and finances.

Partnerships for Long-Term Care

Certain states, like California, have long-term care partnership programs. These programs let people safeguard some assets while becoming eligible for Medicaid coverage for long-term care. A qualifying long-term care insurance policy can enable individuals to access Medicaid benefits without completely depleting their assets.

Choosing the Right Coverage Option

Each coverage option has pros and cons. To select the right coverage for you, consider individual circumstances, including finances, health status and personal preferences. Working with insurance experts, financial advisors and legal professionals can help you make a well-informed decision about coverage that aligns with your needs.

Obtaining long-term care coverage involves exploring various paths that fit your financial and health care requirements. These options include self-funding, insurance, government programs, specialized benefits and more. Californians have several ways to obtain essential care while maintaining financial stability. It’s important to understand and compare these choices to make the best decision for a secure future.

Discover Long-Term Care Options With Health for California

By understanding long-term care and its nuances, services and coverage options, you can make well-informed choices about your well-being — now and in the future. We encourage you to take control of your journey by exploring tailored solutions that align with your situation. With the right coverage, you can preserve your quality of life and ensure peace of mind for yourself and loved ones.

Health for California has helped people like you find the right health insurance plans for their needs since 2004. Our fast, easy online application makes it simple to apply for coverage. Plus, our friendly and knowledgeable agents are always available to answer any questions — at no charge to you.

Whether or not you have insurance right now, Health for California can serve as your go-to guide. Our agents are licensed with Covered California and the California Department of Insurance, so you can be confident they will provide valuable health care information and expertise.

Let Health for California help you explore the many options for long-term care. Connect with us today to get a quote designed for you.

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Not sure how Obamacare affects your health care plans in California? Learn how the ACA works in California, including benefits, costs and enrollment.

Covered California is the Golden State’s official health exchange marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can find high-quality, low-cost California government health insurance.

Learn about Obamacare income guidelines in California using our income limits chart, and see if you’re eligible for government assistance.

Learn about the Covered California website. Find easy online enrollment. Set up your account, log in, buy insurance and more on the California health marketplace website.