Mike Belote Argues that California Needs Health Insurance Agents

by John Hansen

In a talk Tuesday, May 17 at the CAHU Summit 2016 to a room full of brokers, Michael Belote said, “We are on a good will mission” to the legislators in California. He went on to argue for the importance of health insurance agents in California.

Health Care is Complicated, So Agents Are Needed

He asked, “What area of commerce is more complicated than health care?” Consumers need agents, and legislators need to hear from agents. He said regarding the state congressmen, “They know less than you do about health insurance.”

He continued, “We’re all selling something. You’re selling health insurance. I’m selling ideas.”

Brokers Are the #1 Health Insurance Enrollers in California

Belote alluded to the battle to keep agents in California. He said, “You weren’t supposed to last… You saved the exchange!” Insurance agents were the primary enrollers of health insurance in California. The Department of Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones, admitted on the same day that brokers did the “lion’s share” of enrollments.

Belote encouraged this room full of California health insurance agents to speak cordially with Congressmen and act as assistants offering their expertise to these political leaders. He said, “Don’t be argumentative,” and he recommended following up after a meeting with a warm, hand-written note.